Weekdays 8am - 4pm
0333 323 2723
Over two days, you’ll gain full understanding of the IET Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment (5th edition), covering legislation, design, selection and commissioning of the final installation. This allows you to safely and efficiently install EV charging points in line with current guidance in both domestic and small commercial environments
Book Your PlaceWith more than 30 years experience Universal Skills has sought to offer training geared towards the future needs of the energy sector.
We are proud to have supported over 2000 learners on their journey into the electrical and Smart Metering industry.
Providing courses for a wide range of different skill levels, offering training for both complete beginners and experienced installers.
We are proud of our track record and how what we do affects the lives of everyone who trains with us.
Leaders and managers promote a culture of working safely and respectfully in this high-risk sector. They have introduced a 'don't walk by' campaign to remind staff and apprentices of their safeguarding responsibilities.
Completed the DEI course along with 18th edition, 2391 and EV charging point installation. Having had no previous electrical experience, I found the course was pitched at a suitable level from which I could understand all that was being taught. The course content was delivered at the right pace for the audience and was constructed well to maximise learning potential.
Great tutors, great set up, course was fantastic and explained to make it easier to follow, tutors were approachable, helpful, and knowledgeable. Site was easy to find and had adequate parking. Would definitely recommend this training establishment
Mike tutored us for 4 months and was an absolute shining light in the world of education and the smart meter universe. Thank you for everything.
We are located on the Monckton Rd Industrial Estate, just off Denby Dale Road(A636). You can easily get to us via the M1 Motorway leaving at Junction 39 at heading towards Wakefield.
The nearest train station is Wakefield Westgate.
If you are arriving via Electric Vehicle, please notify a member of staff prior to your arrival and we will make sure a charge point is available for you.